Foy Fuzz Octave Fuzz
This is the Matt Foy signature fuzz pedal. Created to satisfy his love for nasty octave fuzz and as a special thank you for the years of support. Orignal design build around a few common DIY circuit snippets. Doing something most builders don't do these days and including the schematic for reference, fun, ridicule, etc. Heart of the circuit is a non selective frequency tripler that makes all that octave nastyness. Clipping is done with a slightly modified big muff stage. Jfet buffered input for high impedance. Two boost stages to first slam the octave section into submission and second to add a bit of boost at the end and filp the polarity of the signal so it's in phase with the input. Rat style tone control to tame the bite. Standard Gain and Volume controls finish it off. Has this very interesting pew pew lazer envelope response with everything turned up, an unexpected but welcome surprise that I tried to tease out of the circuit once discovered. True bypass with polarity protection, like all my pedals runs off 9v adapter only (center negative 2.1mm). Current draw ~10mA.
$175CAD shipped in the US or Canada. Email [email protected] to order if out of stock and for international shipping inquiries. Check out Matt's youtube, instagram, etc... |